Okay, think of it this way. I assume we both love the vision Satoshi had. I was a fan of (and invested in) Bitcoin. Bank the unbanked. A global decentralized currency. Let the people own their own money. These are awesome goals to have. I want these things to become a reality, and the Bitcoin adherents have done a great job spreading this idea.
But Bitcoin is completely unusable for 99% of the purchases made globally, because of its fees & performance. It is completely unusable for the people who actually NEED cryptocurrencies. Those in poor countries where the banks are not as great, and where the currencies are inflating. The fees are simply too high. There is no way around that fact. You can talk about market cap all you want, but the VAST majority of transactions made globally are below the fees of Bitcoin. There is a giant untapped market for cryptocurrencies (a market where cryptos would actually be useful on a day-to-day basis) and Bitcoin isn't even an option for that. The cap on tx/s also excludes it from seeing any real adoption. Buying a Tesla is cool, but it doesn't really change anything, other than a few headlines. Bitcoin is nothing but an object of speculation exclusive to the rich.
As for the price volatility of NANO. It had the largest gains of ALL cryptocurrencies in 2017/2018. Then it had the Bitgrail scandal (much like Bitcoin had the Mt Gox scandal), which combined with the entire market crash, caused it to drop. It has risen more than BTC, recently.
I am not shilling a "random" alt-coin. I'm shilling the only cryptocurrency that won't see higher fees with increased adoption, and which is fully functional TODAY.