I consider it a risky over-hyped investment that has yet to deliver a product that is useful for anything outside of the cryptosphere. Investing in Ethereum means you bet your money on them delivering something that has never been built by anyone ever before. A lot of things can be built decentralized, but MOST things are MUCH cheaper and easier to build with a centralized system, so it might be that the market for dApps is much smaller than expected. As an example, the DeFI platforms which are built on Ethereum promise you decentralized "loans" in the future, but if you look closer the word "loan" as they are referring to it, looks more like a trading hack than an actual loan, because for actual loans to work you need a centralized institution that knows who you are and can come after you if you don't pay it back. Ethereum is a cool idea, but it's just too expensive to use for anything in the real world. Fees are much higher than Bitcoin.